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Kirsten Penderis Counselling

Kirsten Penderis Counselling

Website & Marketing

The client

Kirsten Penderis is an industry leading Life Coach & BWRT Counselor working with clients across the globe – her integrated approach is applied according to her clients’ interests, by harnessing their strengths to assist themselves in self-development and growth.

The challenge

Kirsten Penderis Counselling were running a successful business on very outdated systems with no integration meaning that online bookings, session notes and payments where all being done manually.

System Integration

Web Design

Search Engine Optimisation

Paid Advertising

E-mail Marketing

How we helped

We designed and developed a user-friendly website using WordPress as a platform – the website was integrated with a 3rd party portal allowing for:

  • Online Bookings via an integrated calendar
  • Online Payments
  • Automated E-mails & session reminders
  • Sharing of session notes and worksheets with the client all in one place 

In order to further elevate brand further we partnered with Kirsten Penderis Counselling on an on going basis to deliver intergrated digital marketing campaigns via Paid Channels, E-mail Marketing & SEO. 


The result:

Kirsten Penderis Counselling saw an uplift in client leads by 80% within 3 months and 3 out of 5 leads being attributed to organic channels. The integration with a user-friendly client portal/booking system has been very well received by their clients, giving the clients freedom to book their sessions when it suits them while being able to store all session notes/homework in one place.

Kirsten Penderis Counselling